Sunday, May 18, 2008

Time to Move On...

Well, two months (and a little less than 6000 downloads!) later, its time for a new release.  

Actually, its time for two releases, but the first one (b10) was fatally broken due to a mis-handling of preferences when preferences didn't exist.  Silly Brendan, testing is for kids...

Well at least I found it before I advertised the new release.  I don't think anyone actually downloaded the broken files (sorry if you did...).

Anyway, DroidDraw-r1b11 is now available (Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, Platform Independent .jar)  The higlights include:
  • New support for saved preferences (for now: snap-to-grid, default screen size, default root layout)
  • Removed redundant XML namespace declarations
  • Added support for drawing the ScrollView scroll bar
  • Fixed my support for opening URLs from inside DroidDraw (previously all URLs went to my PayPal donations page [oops, how did that happen ;-)]
  • DroidDraw now checks for updated versions on startup
  • It now handles the layout_margin* family of xml attributes.
  • A bug in the Color selector button/property has been fixed.

As always, please post any new bugs that you may find or features that you'd like to see (I'm running out of things to do!) to the issue tracker.

And if you're feeling generous, feel free to donate!


mr.ozio said...

translate in from russian, if u want. :)

сегодня вечером делать мне было нечего и я нарисовал вам пакет иконок. просто так. совершенно бесплатно. если хотите - можете поставить куда-нибудь ссылку на мой блог -, но я не настаиваю :)

watch -

download -

Mikey said...

cool, just wanted to say thanks for doing this GUI builder for android keep it up, we are now in 1.5 sdk with APpWidgets eheh... more views for Droiddraw and more power to you thanks again BIG help

SavageKC said...

Why is it so fucking hard to find help for this software?! I've spent the last 6 hours just trying to get my ImageView picture to fill the screen. There is nothing that tells you what HVGA vs QVGA is, or how to switch between the two, or the differences between the root layouts, or why when i stretch my image width and height wise so it looks how i want it to in the droiddraw screen, then i port it to the phone it looks different, and there is no help for why androiddraw says connection refused when i try to preview the GUI, there is nothing. Why is this so god damn difficult?

Unknown said...

SavageKC, you get what you pay for. Google would answer some of your questions.

DroidDraw is neat, but could be a lot easier to use. How about a tree showing the widget hierarchy? I find if I place something in a layout, I can no longer select the layout. I have to start completely over just to change layout settings.