Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's been a while, huh...

Lots has happened in my life. I've left academia and the east coast for a job @ Google, Seattle. I had a beautiful daughter (now 1.1 years old). Through all of that, DroidDraw got ignored a little, I'm afraid. But now, finally, there is a new release (r1b14). That's all...

Have fun!


Unknown said...

Yes, it's been a while! I'm playing with your latest version, and I was wondering: will you update it for the latest Android 2.0?

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Could offer some help for the "Connection refused: connect" error when trying to "Send GUI to device"?

Living Below said...

Pretty neat idea, but when I tried tutorial one, I couldn't get the button to align right.(which is the problem I was looking into when I came across this tool)

I have a hard time selecting things, it would be great if there were a meta-outline of every object where you could click it and it would highlight in the view and bring up the properties.

I'll look forward to updates when you have the time!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new job!!! and thanks for maintaining DroidDraw :)

Tiger said...

I was wondering if there is any way to re-select "unbderlying" elements ?
Let's say (like in your tutorial) a TableLayout, then some TableRows then some ImageButtons in those Rows... So when all this is placed I cannot in any way select the TableLayout for example, cause all the other side sits on top of it...
So any way those items are selectable ?

Kevin Tan said...

Hey there. I've been working with Android for my final year project lately. Found your utility through a friend's recommendation. Pretty neat. Please continue your works. I'll be looking forward to it... ^^

Appizer said...

This is fantastic stuff - UI is highly underrated when it comes to Android dev and a tool like this can only make things better.

I'm not sure what the official Android folks are doing but your tool should really be built directly in the ADT!

cellurl said...

I need a paypal donate button for org.wikispeedia.BackSeatDriverV

Thanks for any leads...

David W. said...

Hi there,

I have a technical question about droiddraw. When I try to make a DatePicker I can see a full month calendar view on the droiddraw GUI however when I use the widget in my program I get a "picker" style widget instead. How do I get a full month calendar?

Thanks in advance. Droiddraw has already been a great help and I may even donate if I get my app off the ground :)

Eric Chow said...

Will you add a plugin for eClipse ???

Skipuendi Tasteless said...

congratulations!!! on the job. Maybe Hopefully, I can see you there!

Lee Barney said...

I am having an issue with r1b16. I am on OS X. Every time I try to export I get "Ant error" number 1.


Anil Philip said...

has support for droid draw stopped?

padapa said...

I'm thinking DroidDraw has stopped being anything but old code. I guess all that work for Google is getting in the way of developing tools for Android ... lol

To bad :( , it was starting to look like a nice tool ... if you will, "Interface Builder" for Android development, which is a sorely needed.

Gert said...

Wonderful app. Love it.Thanks.

Nomad0404 said...

I'm finding droidDraw really useful.

However, I have a question.

In droidDraw you've got a button that allows you to select the background colour and then shows that colour on the button.

Can you do that in Android?
