Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Beta One Released!

I finally got some new standalone apps. built and I christen them r1b1!  

My first beta (for DroidDraw at least) my mother must be so proud ;-)

Anyhow, these new standalones contain all of the bug fixes mentioned previously and a few more improvements to slight to really mention.

Unless people find glaring bugs, I think the next step will be converting the app. to a true MVC paradigm.  (Right now, each widget knows how to draw itself, which violates MVC since the widgets are part of the M, not the V)

Chances are that will take me a little while.  Plus the tri-mester starts up soon, so development may slow down for a while.   Have fun! (and a happy new year!)

1 comment:

C. S. said...

DroidDraw is great!!! Thanks!